Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Things to Remember About India

A journal page to help me not to forget the small things...


Never forget certain things about this place. India is a dirty place. Everything smells like it's burning all the time. The pollution turns boogers black and makes wearing contacts difficult. Cows, wild dogs, and pigs are everywhere. They crowd the streets and divert traffic. Hindu shrines are everywhere. The food was not palatable and eating with the right hand lost its uniqueness rather quickly. Jam that Bread of Life. The 12 Days of India. Remember riding in the back of Tata Jeeps and how dangerous the driving was. 50 rupees to 1 dollar. Sleeping under mosquito nets, cold bucket showers, mothballs, Mirinda. Sharing music with "big sister" Jess and Jared. Beef jerky. Only one phone call for the whole trip and no internet access. remember how despondent the cities looked. How dirty the roadsides were. Kites, cricket, badminton. Arcade horses with Justin. Tikky dance. Nagpur is the geographic center of India. Christmas stars and caroling. Open roofs and no rain. Real chai tea. True hospitality. The head shake. Eggs and water.

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